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Join our text list!

Our main channel of communication is a classic text list. Register with your full name, number and some means to verify that you exist. We require this to ensure that everyone registered are interested in our events. The information will not be shared with any other parties or used for anything other than registering you and to inform you about our events. You can unsubscribe at any time by simply replying to any of our texts. 

    Full name



    Please provide the name of a registered friend who can vouch for you OR a link to your Facebook. If you have neither, provide a motivation to why you want to join the list.

    The Electronic Music Aficionado Culture Club

    FAX was founded in Gävle as a grass root initiative from old and new event organizers, with the core ideal of hosting main underground electronic music parties, that is always current and appreciated by our core audience. FAX is not genre-specific, FAX is an Electronic Music Aficionado Culture Club.